A tireless benevolence, clear seeing and comprehensive, free from all personal reaction, is the best way to love God and serve Him upon earth.
— The Mother
All of us go through phases of self-certification as well as self-flagellation. While we do have occasional moments of humbling introspection that make us hate ourselves for being what we are, there are also prolonged phases of uninterrupted complacency. We certify ourselves as being at least good enough, if not the best possible. I am good because I do my job in the office honestly, take good care of my children, pay my taxes, and do no harm to anybody. If I am not the best, it is because there is no time to do anything more than what I am already doing. If that remains the attitude, there never will be any time to spare. Doctors would tell you that that is the reason many old people have chronic aches and pains. When their essential worldly responsibilities are over, their attention is focused on the body, and the result is that every suspicious sound that their worn-out machine makes becomes a cause of concern. Thus, wanting to be better than I am is always a conscious decision. Anyone who has taken that conscious decision has taken the first step on the path of yoga. The equipment for the first step is love. Love whispers to me. Albert Schweitzer describes the whisper thus, “Whatever more than others you have received in health, natural gifts, working capacity, success, a beautiful childhood, harmonious family circumstances, you must not accept as a matter of course.” Nobody receives all of these, but all of us have received something. How should we accept what we have received? With gratitude. What should we do with what we have received? Share it with those who haven’t. In short, give. Not just give; give selflessly, give unconditionally. That is what being good is about.