Christmas : 25 Dec 2024

Christmas Messages by the Mother

We want to show to the world that man can become a true servitor of the Divine.
Who will collaborate in all sincerity?

Father Christmas,
I evoke you today!

Answer our call. Come bearing all your marvellous gifts. You are the great dispenser of worldly possessions; you are the untiring friend who hears every request and grants it generously. Give each one the material object he desires, and as for me, give me enough, give me much so that I may give largely to all.

22 December 1971

This is my Christmas message:
"The time has come for the rule of falsehood to end.
In the Truth alone is salvation."
(Mother looks for a paper on the table)

Send him the Christmas message. And then this:

"The red lotus is the flower of Sri Aurobindo, but specially for his centenary we shall choose the blue lotus, which is the colour of his physical aura, to symbolise the centenary of the manifestation of the Supreme upon earth."

May the New Light illumine your thoughts and your lives, govern your hearts and guide your action.

Joyeux Noël.
Let us celebrate the Light by letting it enter into us.

If you want peace upon earth, first establish peace in your heart.
If you want union in the world, first unify the different parts of your being.

Bon Noël to all, in Peace and Joy.
May this new Christmas be for you the advent of a new light, higher and purer.

Union and goodwill upon earth.
Behind the rigidity of the outward celebrations there is a living symbol; it is this that we must remember.
Peace and goodwill to all.
Unless a break is made with the habits and the beliefs of the past, there is little hope of advancing rapidly towards the future.

Love the Truth.
Let the light dawn in your consciousness.
Blessings to all.
