Prayer meeting for Mrs. Kanta Malhotra
28 March 2024

A prayer meeting was held on 28 March in memory of Mrs. Kanta Malhotra, who along with her husband, Shri Y.R. Malhotra, had been a volunteer ‘seeker’ associated for some 20 years and used to stay in the Ashram for long periods until a few years ago. The meeting started with Tara Didi’s reading of passages from Sri Aurobindo’s Savitri. Thereafter, Mrs. Malhotra’s daughter Dr. Sangeeta Trehan and her two sons narrated the disciplined life of Mrs. Kanta, getting up at 4 am and beginning the day with prayers. Despite a poor posture and weak legs, she uncomplainingly went about her daily tasks with help of a walking-stick for decades. Finally Linthoi sang Kabir’s couplets with intermittent explanations of the meaning by Dilipbhai Patel with table accompaniment by Santosh Kumar Nanda. The offering ended with a prayerful song, De Maa nijcharanon ka pyaar.