The Golden day of Supramental Manifestation

The first Supramental Manifestation upon earth was on 29 February 1956

This evening the Divine Presence, concrete and material, was there present amongst you. I had a form of living gold, bigger than the universe, and I was facing a huge and massive golden door which separated the world from the Divine.

As I looked at the door, I knew and willed, in a single movement of consciousness, that “the time has come“, and lifting with both hands a mighty golden hammer I struck one blow, one single blow on the door and the door was shattered to pieces.

Then the supramental Light and Force and Consciousness rushed down upon earth in an uninterrupted flow.

‐The Mother, 29 February 1956

26 June 1954
The Supramental Force is ready for manifestation, let us get ready also and it will manifest.

7 July 1954
When the Supramental manifests, an unequalled joy spreads over the earth.

8 July 1954
Drop all fear, all strife, all quarrels, open your eyes and your hearts—the Supramental Force is there.

9 July 1954
With patience, strength, courage and a calm and indomitable energy we shall prepare ourselves to receive the Supramental Force.

10 July 1954
New words are needed to express new ideas, new forms are necessary to manifest new forces.

1 August 1954
We must never forget that we are here to serve the Supramental Truth and Light and to prepare its manifestation in ourselves and upon the earth.

13 August 1954
Each new progress in the universal expression means the possibility of a new manifestation.

Mother's handwriting

29 février—29 mars

Seigneur, Tu as voulu et je réalise.
Une lumière nouvelle point sur la terre,
Un monde nouveau est né,
Et les choses promises sont accomplies.

29 February—29 March

Lord, Thou hast willed, and I execute:
A new light breaks upon the earth,
A new world is born.
The things that were promised are fulfilled.

Mother's handwriting

24th April 1956

The manifestation of the Supramental upon earth is no more a promise but a living fact, a reality.

It is at work here, and one day will come when the most blind, the most unconscious, even the most unwilling shall be obliged to recognise it.


The Mother declared that on 29 February 1956, Supermind was concretely established in the atmosphere of the Earth. The seventeenth cycle of this momentous event began with an invocation for the divine Presence by Srila in the Meditation Hall. In the evening, the Ashram Community, guests and visitors formed a moving chain near the Shrine while holding diyas of aspiration on their palms as Tara Didi recitated Sri Aurobindo’s sonnet, The Golden Light.