March 22, 2025

Karuna Didi’s 95th Birth Anniversary

Devi Karunamayee popularly known as Anna Didi and Karuna Didi in the Ashram was Spiritual musician of Sri Aurobindo Ashram - Delhi Branch. Born on 24th March 1930 in Delhi, joined the Ashram on 20th March 1966 and lived till the 26th of January 2017 till her last breath.

She was a great musician and talented in Kirana Ghirana, a Hindustani classical music form. A great devotee of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo, she was the Founder-Director of Matri Kala Mandir, Mother's School of Fine

Arts, inaugurated on 21st February 1967, with the Mother's Grace. She was the Trustee of Sri Aurobindo Ashram-Delhi Branch.

5 day celebrations in Delhi Ashram

20-25 March 2025

Late Km. Karunamayee Didi’s 95th Birth Anniversary was observed through a music and dance programme from 20-25 March 2025.

20 Mar 2025: Shri. Shubhendra Rao on Sitar & Smt. Saskia Rao- de Haas on Chello accompanied by Shri Nishith Gangani on Tabla

21 Mar 2025: Vocal Musical offering by Smt. Swati Bhagat accompanied by Shri Kharak Singh on Tabla & Shri Sudhanshu on Harmonium

22 Mar 2025: dance by Smt. Dr. Raksha Singh David, accompanied by Shri Uday Shanker Mishra on Tabla, Shri Ravi Sharma on Sitar, Md.Akram Hussain on Sarangi, and Shri Sujit Mandal on Flute with vocal support by Sushree Linthoi and Parhant by Sushree Ashmita Mishra.

24 Mar 2025: Vocal Musical offering by Sushree Rekha Pandey, accompanied by Shri Kharak Singh on Tabla and Shri Chetan Nigam on Harmonium.

25 Mar 2025: Jugalbandi by Shri. NeelRanjan Mukherjee on Haviian Guitar and Shri Himanshu Dutt on Flute. accompanied by Zanab Roman Khan on Tabla.