Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Four Canto III: The Call to the Quest

On a bright, happy morning, when the air is full of longing and expectation, Aswapathy hears the subtle voice of unborn Powers:

“Men, creatures of Fate that you are at present, you are not meant to be always circling in the petty rounds of your little self. You are made of Immortal’s substance and mighty Powers are shut in in your nature’s cells. A greater destiny awaits you. If only you will, you can acquire a truth-sight, exceed your mortal mind and grow into your godhead. There are other realms of existence than the earth you tread, there is a light behind your life. Immortal Powers await to embody themselves in you. The earth hopes and aspires for this change but the fire still burns dim in human hearts. Men are still in love with their ignorance. Heaven’s lights descend but are obliged to return in the face of denial and obstruction by the Inconscient.”

The Voice ceases. And as if in answer from the gods Savitri comes to Aswapathy in all her revealing beauty and splendour. Aswapathy’s physical sense withdraws and he sees behind the outer form of Savitri, the great and unknown Spirit born as his child. Moved from unseen Heights he speaks to her:

“Spirit, traveller of Eternity, thou hast come for a mighty work. Thou art not come down alone. There waits for thee some destined soul who shall discover thy mission and thy strength. Depart and find him, thy mate. Thou needest not any other guide than the One who is aflame within thee. He who is to be thy partner and companion in the journey of life, waits for thee. With him thou shalt confront Heaven’s question, life, break through the immense disguise of Nature and ascend to divinity’s heights.”

These words sink into her being like a Mantra and the seed of change is sown. She awakes in her consciousness to new dimensions and the secrets of unseen realms are felt close.

Before the dawn of the next day, Savitri leaves on her quest.