Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Four Canto I: The Birth and Childhood of the Flame

From the beginning of its endless revolving journey in Space and Time, the Earth has been speeding towards a far-off unknown goal. From the original state of Inconscience, she passes to the state of half-consciousness, thence to that of life and then to the state of thought and act. In this cycle of the mind she has been steadily moving towards some undisclosed Event.

The seasons weave a picturesque dance, as it were, in the Earth’s ceaseless motion around the Sun. Summer is followed by Rain; Autumn, Winter follow; Spring arrives. At a high moment of one such Spring when all Nature is at beauty’s festival, a celestial Spirit descends on earth answering her cry for bliss; Savitri is born. The ancient Mother returns to her unfinished task on earth.

Always there has been a Mother-Wisdom in Nature working to urge the growth of consciousness and joy in life, to make Matter conscious of its divinity. That Will now puts on an earthly form in Savitri.

At first the infant lies passive in the protective arms of a guarding Power. Slowly the link with her soul grows sure and remembrance of her origin takes shape within. She lives alone in her spirit amidst men. However, even in her childhood, her luminous origin and higher nature are unmistakable. Her days pass in swift joy and sweetness. She exudes happiness all around. But even when she mixes with others, she keeps her stature of the gods.

The Power within her shapes her sense in a deeper mould and fills her brain with higher light. Her thoughts are patterns of the truth of her soul, her look perceives all forms as shapes of living selves. Every contact evokes a Call. She is one with a greater Nature. Her mind, life and body are constantly in evident preparation for the emergence of the inner Godhead. Her aspiration is ever active calling down the high destiny, guarding the Throne of Truth within.

Her life is one stream of Joy, Beauty, Love, Light.