Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Seven Canto VII: The Discovery of the Cosmic Spirit and the Cosmic Consciousness

The daily human life in the hermitage goes on as usual. Savitri is her usual gracious self to all. None sees anything new in her.

Though outwardly she speaks and acts as always, there is a great change within her. A vacant consciousness watches from within her; she is impersonal in her movements. Some Nihil, some Mystery seems to act through her. Her mortal ego is no more.

From a distant Vast come messages of light, flashes of thought which flow out in high revealing words when she speaks. Her emptiness becomes a channel for the Inconscient Nature and the Superconscient mystery. Her being is a Centre without circumference. Within her all is still.

One night, as she is sitting by the side of Satyavan who is asleep, a voice begins to speak from her heart and as it speaks all changes. The sense of unreality ceases to be. An experience of a stupendous Truth, an absolute Reality, grows. All becomes conscious, reveals itself as of the Infinite, made of Eternity. This Reality is realised as her own self and the self of all; it is Timeless and Time, Bliss, Love and the Beloved, all-seeing Mind.

Savitri passes beyond Time and Space. She is at once a measureless point and all vastness. She lives in the everlasting. She realises the universe to be a body of the Real, with God for its soul.

She sees the world as living God, the One that is All. She is identified with him in her self. She becomes one with Nature and feels the movements of all in Nature as in herself. She is no more an individual person, she is all in the world. She is spread out in infinity, one with the Whole.

She is the subconscient life that courses in plant creation, she is the mind and heart in man, she climbs as his soul to God. The entire cosmos in Time and Space flowers in her; she is its foundation.

She rises beyond Time and Space into the Superconscient and moves in Infinity; through her Eternity looks upon Time.