Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Eight Canto III: Death in the Forest

On the fateful day, at dawn, Savitri looks back into her past and relives all that she has been and done. She bows down to the goddess Durga and prays. Then she approaches the queen mother and obtains her consent to accompany Satyavan to the forest that day.

Both Satyavan and Savitri go into the forest, hand in hand, he showing her all along the varied riches of the forest, speaking of the things he loved there. Savitri, aware of the impending doom, treasures every word that falls from his lips.

Satyavan starts axing a tree for fuel and as he works, he sings snatches of a sage’s chant on the conquest of death and the slaying of evil. But as he proceeds, he is overcome by sudden shooting pains all over his body. He throws away the axe and seeks Savitri’s support. She clasps him and tries to soothe his pain. But slowly his colour changes and he utters his last cry asking for her kiss. She presses her lips upon his, but his fail to respond.

She grows aware that they are no longer alone. Some chilling Shadow has appeared. There is a hush and terror all round. Death is standing there.

Satyavan has passed.