Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Seven Canto V: The Finding of the Soul

Savitri presses onward. She first finds herself in a night of God. All her light and power fail; the mind, the heart, give up their thoughts and hopes, while Knowledge functions no more. Only her naked self and her yearning remain. God alone is: all else is Darkness.

She moves silently and approaches a wide end. The emptiness breaks, a wave ripples within, and there is a blissful stir. Dawn breaks out followed by Day and in that brilliance Savitri recognises the mystic cavern which is the dwelling of her secret soul. The great rock-doors of the cave appear in an awful dimness.

Two golden serpents are coiled round the lintel; above hovers an eagle. As Savitri enters, she finds great figures of gods carved in stone; the walls are covered with significant shapes portraying the life scene of man and beast, the role of the gods, the scheme of the planes and worlds and God’s Movement abroad.

Savitri passes from room to room, she feels herself one with all that she sees and a sealed identity within her awakes. She realises that she herself is the Beloved of the Supreme.

In the last chamber on a golden seat she beholds One who is indescribable but who is obviously the Fount of all.

Again all departs into silent self; all becomes formless, pure and bare. She pushes on through a tunnel in the last rock and emerges into the bright light of a deathless sun. There in a house of flame and light Savitri suddenly meets her secret soul. A being stands there, the Eternal and the Infinite turned towards Time and the Finite. She is God’s delegate in humanity come to play ball with Time and circumstance. She has put forth a small portion of herself into the region of the heart to labour, to suffer, to grow towards its own Godhead.

Both of these—the secret deity and its human part—meet here in the chamber of light and flame, look upon each other, know themselves, rush into each other and grow one. The soul of Savitri joins its Oversoul.

Once again Savitri finds herself on the human soil. She finds that the half-opened lotus-bud of her heart has bloomed revealing her secret soul. Her being calls the mighty Mother of the worlds to come down and in a flash a Face, a Form comes down into her heart. The moment its feet touch the quivering bloom of her heart-lotus, a mighty movement rocks the inner space and a flaming serpent rises released from sleep in the Night of the Inconscient. It storms its way upwards, striking all the lotuses—Centres of Consciousness—on its route and setting them vibrating in light and bliss, till it reaches the Eternal’s space in the crown of the head.

The mighty Mother—an image of the original Power—is seated there, armed, her arm lifted in a saviour gesture, a sacred beast prone below her feet.

All in the being of Savitri undergoes a celestial change. The working in each of the Centres, the Lotus kingdoms, is transformed. Behind all stands her deathless soul casting aside its veil of Ignorance and surrendered in the hands of the World-Mother.