Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Seven Canto I: The Joy of Union: the Ordeal of the Fore-Knowledge of Death and the Heart’s Grief and Pain

Savitri insists upon her choice and fate follows her unchanging road. Ultimately fate is the choice of the soul.

Once again Savitri sets out in her chariot. Accompanied by an armoured escort, she hastens across the fields, cities and rivers under the summer skies till they arrive at the forest border where she had first met Satyavan. Thence they take a narrow path to the hermitage of the blind king and queen now exiled. The retinue leave Savitri at her destination and return most reluctantly.

Savitri is filled with great happiness in the company of her beloved Satyavan. Day and night they are one in their fiery love. But soon summer is followed by the rains. Under the darkened skies with storm and thunder raging, Savitri feels the grief of all the world coming to her and fear strikes her human heart. She is reminded of the fatal date set by Narad for Satyavan’s death.

Savitri tries to forget her grief by flights into the bliss of love, but in vain. Each day that passes brings the peril nearer and increases her sorrow. She keeps the pain to herself and watches the world go happily by, unconscious of its unknown doom. She goes through all her household duties gracefully and quietly, pressing back her grief when it surges up in her bosom.

Her life is thus divided. She draws upon her conjugal love to its utmost, fusing body and soul together in ecstasy. Though she does not express her inner grief, Satyavan senses it in some way and gives himself freely to her. But her thirst is not quenched. Her secret sorrow gathers force as the days pass; her inner strength is not yet in evidence. An air of resignation comes over her being in grief.

The allotted year approaches its end. Rain-clouds shut in the earth and the heavy clouds of her grief shut in her heart.