Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Five Canto I: The Destined Meeting-Place

The destined place and hour are now near. Unknown to her she has come close to her goal.

Nothing really appears by chance. That is only an appearance. Everything is guided by an Omniscience and things take place at the appointed place and time.

Savitri now arrives at a spot of fresh life and felicity. A great expectation is in the air. Mountains, woods, waters, birds—all are bathed in a dreamy happiness. It is as if the Earth is having a romance with her lover, Heaven.

Behind all is the majestic calm of Nature. Man has not yet come here to disturb the primeval peace of the region. At the borders of the tract are solemn hills that rise up in the skies like meditative ascetics.

This is the scene chosen by the indefinable Mother of all in the form of Savitri for her brief felicity. Here in solitude commences her part in the joy and strife of the world. Here Love meets Savitri.