Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Two Canto IX: The Paradise of The Life-Gods

Around Aswapathy shines a bright felicity. There is a perpetual joy untouched by grief or fear, free and wide. He traverses scenes of beauty and bliss, calm and luminous, hears notes of celestial music chanting the glory of Love.

The glowing heights of this realm climb towards a greatness beyond life. In these shining Edens of the vital gods, harmony, beauty, perfection are the rule. Peace, Love, Strength reach their acme. Pain is transmuted by the divine alchemic touch into potent joy. The gulf between heaven and hell stands healed.

All the high visionings of life are embodied here—her hopes, her thoughts, her willings. The course of life is smooth and certain. Divinising music and profound creative thoughts sail towards Aswapathy. The senses acquire a new range. His very body glows with light and power and shrinks no more from the demand of the Spirit to lose itself in identity with it. Earth stands reborn, companion of heaven.

Aswapathy rises to the stature of the gods and divine felicities pour into him transporting him into unknown ecstasies. A touch of the supreme comes over his eager heart. Eternity draws near in the form of Love and claims the body of Time.

A giant drop of Bliss overwhelms him and all around spreads a fiery ocean of felicity. He is drowned in its honeyed waves. He is able to bear this sheer delight without his body breaking down. This rapture purifies him and turns his mortal strength to undying power.

Immortality captures Time and claims Life.