Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Two Canto II: The Kingdom of Subtle Matter

Crossing beyond the borders of the physical world, Aswapathy enters into a realm of wonder and delight—the world of subtle matter. This world overtops our physical world. Beautiful, symmetrical in forms, with senses subtler and more far-ranging than the physical ones, this realm is the shining origin of the world below. All here on earth follows the lines already mapped out there in the subtle world above.

It forms a protective shield to the material world, intercepting the charge of the higher Light and Power and allowing only so much of it as can be borne by it without it breaking under the impact. It functions as a regulating channel to the downflow of the Powers from above.

The source of all movements creative of Beauty, Delight and Grace is there in the subtle physical world. But only a fragment of the true inspiration received there is able to get through to this world of gross matter. There is no gulf between Matter and Soul, between Mind and Form. Each truth finds its natural expression without deformation. Form does not conceal but reveals.

This subtle world is the first station of the human soul after its exit from the physical world on its way to the higher realms; the subtle physical embodiment is the radiant vehicle of the soul after it has shed the grosser body.

With all its glitter, however, this world is not all safe. Attractive and delightful though it is on its summits, it has dangerous gulfs on its lower levels. Peril is clothed in beauty, danger is invested with charm. The beginnings of what ensues in death on earth are here in its nether planes.

All on earth is a diminished figure of what obtains in this world of subtle Matter—power, beauty, knowledge. The decadence from its perfect types culminates in the chaotic disintegration on the plane of gross Matter.

In spite of this fall, the earth is a nurse of souls. For hidden in its being is a Divinity that presses for manifestation. It becomes articulate as a Force of Consciousness that insists on building on earth all that has been envisaged by the Creative Spirit. This labouring Force becomes self-aware in Man and in him and through him seeks to found Immortality in this field of death.

And this is possible because the earth is not alone. There are constant influxes of Light and Power from the Higher Consciousness through the various planes of the graded Existence. The original Idea goes on exerting pressure for realisation and through a series of attempts, some half-lived, some imperfect,—what with its incomplete instruments—evolving Nature moves step by step nearer fulfilment.

The Divine Spirit above motivates all upward strivings; it holds all that is manifest in its dynamic Oneness. All creation is one in this Spirit. Each plane in this vast Creation seeks to manifest this Truth in its characteristic way and form. There is a higher Nature at work in the higher planes above this terrestrial universe and it manifests the Godhead in perfect forms and undiminished intensities of Knowledge, Beauty, Love and Bliss. This creative dynamis is there in man too, but it is latent in his depths, throwing up jets of its power occasionally and even then only briefly. This subtle world immediately above this material world of ours is unique for its beauty, the symmetry of its forms, the perfect layout of its designs. Within its limits it is a perfect world and all in that world is happy to stay in that perfection. There is no effort for progress, for self-exceeding; consequently there is no failure, no pain. There is no room here for the stretchings and variations of the Infinite Spirit. All is fixed in a frame of beauty. The Soul stands almost lost to sight behind this plethora of beauteous forms and riotous hues. Nature is content to luxuriate in the enchanting play of her joyous rhythm and bright felicities.

Aswapathy regards this enchanting scene with wonder, tarries there for a while, but his soaring spirit will not rest there. From this brilliant threshold he passes on to the larger spaces of a greater world.