Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Two Canto XIV: The World-Soul

A bright opening appears far in the Mind-Space leading into some depths of God. It beckons him with a quivering ecstasy of Light and Aswapathy enters a tunnel-like passage. He is led by a mysterious sound which is a composite of many sounds, of flute-call, cricket-note, anklet-bells, caravan-tinkle, temple-gong, bee-croon, sea-wave.

He arrives into bodiless realms, the heart of Space, the heart of Time—the home of the Soul of the world. Here is the sole Being, the Person who transmutes Nature’s movements into divine terms, who leads the Cosmos to its divine fulfilment through all its vicissitudes. Here is the source of all finite life.

All here is made of soul-stuff. Knowledge proceeds not by thought but by identity. The walls of speech are not here. Neither separative life nor the concrete form of the body is here. The soul is its own form and meets other souls directly. Aswapathy begins to know things by their soul and not their shape; he communes without speech.

There is a strange spiritual scenery with patterns of soul-beauty and joy, celestial fragrance and hue. It is a home of Beauty. Here the world and self are one.

Here too rest all beings after death on earth and before they take the next embodiment. They assimilate their life-experiences and prepare for their future lives.

This is the centre of creation from where things are cast.

Beyond are regions of delight and peace. Aswapathy becomes aware of eternity and passes on to an end which is also a beginning.

He arrives at the source of all things and there he beholds the figure of the immortal Two-in-One whose rapturous trance sustains the mobile world. Behind this Dual Presence he regards the Divine Mother with a veil. She is the Ruler of all, pervading all with Power, effecting all with her Will.

Aswapathy is filled by her force. He outstretches to her his folded hands of prayer. She responds with a sovereign gesture, half-parting her veil. He is spellbound by the mystery of her luminous eyes and sees the mystic outline of her face. He is overwhelmed by her light and bliss. With a cry of adoration, he falls at her feet, unconscious, prone.