Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book Two Canto I: The World-Stair

As Aswapati moves in the realms of the Unknown, all that is beyond the human ken comes into his range.

There is no limit anywhere; a boundless movement fills a boundless peace. Beyond this earth existence he enters into another existence where the Soul essays in the Oneness of all amidst the free play of the multitude of possibilities released from the Infinite. Here the Inexpressible moves into multiple expression and the Soul takes delight in all experience which is perceived and realised to be one plan.

Aswapati enters into identity with the immensity that he sees and feels around. Every form, every movement, reveals to him some aspect, some state of the Ineffable. All the worlds of heaven and hell imagined by the human mind are found here in their true setting providing a full forum for the extremes of pleasure and pain. A vast occult domain opens before him. Knowledge in new contents, Power in flaming intensities, Bliss in endless waves offer themselves to his experience. But in all this varied opulence of the Infinite Aswapati misses the secret that holds all in a whole, the truth that welds the All to the One.

Looking still inward, Aswapati comes to see an immense world pile, a huge column of worlds upon worlds rising from the plinth of Matter and ascending into the unknowable summits of the Spirit. He perceives in it the great stair down which the Spirit has descended and up which the Soul has to ascend.

This stair of gradations of being, of consciousness is reproduced in each individual. It links up the lowest levels of inconscience with the highest levels of superconscience and makes possible man's journey from one end to the other. This graded consciousness—each graded formulation exerting pressure upon others presses all into an upward movement. The steps of this stair of consciousness are the paces of the Soul in its return.

These are the grades that were formed in the downward plunge of the Divine Consciousness when it originally descended to save and redeem the spirit that had issued forth in the creative adventure and got lost in a total Nescience.

All these gradations of consciousness, and the worlds based upon them, are powerful factors in the evolutionary progression of the Earth. She is urged from below, guided from within, pulled up from above. There is a Master-Intelligence working out the process of a Mystery the full meaning of which will be evident only when all is done.

Impelled by this inner Seer who knows the entire Plan and embodying the aspiration of the Earth-World, Aswapati journeys, climbing step upon step, upon the giant world-stair, detained by no glittering station of world or heaven, across the eternal Silences around and a great undiminishing Light above, towards a goal that he sees not but to which he is irresistibly drawn.