Summary on Savitri by Dr. M.P Pandit

Book One Canto III: The Yoga of the King: The Yoga of the Soul’s Release

Savitri's birth in this world was in response to the aspiration of the Earth voiced through Aswapati, leader of men and Lord of Life. It was he who embodied the call of humanity and succeeded in bringing down the Saviour Grace in the form of his daughter Savitri.

Aswapati himself was no ordinary mortal resigned to the pace and will of evolutionary Nature. He was a special being assigned with the specific task of preparing struggling humanity for the next step in Godward evolution. Outwardly he wore all the trappings of common humanity, but inwardly he was conscious of his higher origin, his role and the powers that were preparing in his being for their hour of manifestation.

He turned his being to the demands of the Master of Evolution, set his movements in harmony with the workings of the higher cosmic Spirit and grew into a conscious receptacle of the mighty Forces of Supernature that descended into him. He widened his being to embrace the universe in his consciousness; he struck out upwards across the firmaments of the mind and formed a bridge, as it were, between the physical universe and the Divinity beyond. In him Earth and Heaven joined hands.

He saw great changes taking place in himself, greater faculties of knowledge, power, sensation and bliss replacing the limited ones natural to mental man. All became an open book to him - the life of the individuals around him and the worlds above. To him stood revealed the roots of the cosmos in the Superconscient, the fount of the divine Desire from which creation has sprouted as from a seed, the large lines of the Process in which the manifestation is pursuing its destined course. He experienced in himself not only those intensities of the creative Light, Power and Bliss but also the reactions and the pull-backs caused by the still untransformed elements of inconscience, obscurity and inertia in his physical parts. He pushed further carrying all of himself -leaving out no part however recalcitrant—and arrived at a firm, immovable status in the Eternal Spirit. From this station above the eddies of Nature, he reached his help to the toiling world, help that was all the more effective because of his liberated condition and the mastery he had acquired over the Powers and Energies of Greater Nature. His illumined perception of the manifesting Truth of the Spirit and his will to promote and shape the evolutionary movement of the race in the mould of this vision stamped themselves indelibly on the life and mind of men.